Monday, May 20, 2013

Memorial day in Major League Baseball. The new Camo Hat

So what does Memorial day in the MLB mean for Major League baseball hats?   In the spirit of the lasta 2 years, it means that all MLB teams will be wearing a patriotic hat on the field of play.  That's a great question.  Lets compare the 2012 Stars and Stripes hat to the 2013 Memorial day hat that has been released for 2013.

Last year the MLB went with a Stars and Stripes coloration of the front logo (below)
This year they are rolling out the 2013 MLB Memorial Day Camo hat. (below)
It has received mixed reviews at his point.  Some of the Twitterverse think they look great while at the same time another person calls them horrid.

Either way, if it's in support of the Men and Women who serve our country......  It's a positive thing in my book.  Although the USA Today article says the "The general reaction on Twitter has been somewhere between "dismayed" and "disgusted."

You can find my full write up on the 2013 MLB Memorial Day Camo Hat here.  My website is dedicated to hat wearing MLB Fans.  Major Baseball Hats is a group of techie sports junkies that can build websites. We wanted a way to find the best MLB hats at the best price. We built MBH to help every MLB fan buy hats.

Happy Hats!


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